Regression | Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Is regression safe? I fear what if i go to the past and I get stuck there and never come back?

Yes, it is very safe. Its like watching a movie where you are the character. Have you ever got stuck in a movie? You don’t physically go to your pasty lives. Its just like picking up a copy of a movie and playing it.

Is regression something like hypnotism?

Yes, it is hypnotherapy but the difference is in hypnotism but the difference is instead of becoming unaware you become hyperaware of everything around you. And that is how your conscious mind can get information of what is stored in the subconscious mind. You are aware of everything that is happening and can ask the therapist to stop if you feel uncomfortable.

Can we hypnotise someone without will?

Well, in hypnotherapy you can’t begin without the consent of the person you wish to work on.

Can someone forcefully get out my secrets during hypnotherapy session?

No. nothing can happen in the session without your consent. You are in the state of an elliptical consciousness where you are 100%in the present while experiencing your past.

I fear once I see what’s in my past all those memories will get stuck in my head and it will cause more emotional pain?

The point of the therapy is to understand what the subconscious mind would have perceived at that time and heal it. We just don’t see the past and let it go, we help you heal the trauma that is caused in the past.

Even when I know I have to act a certain way I can’t. I want to get over my past but the harder I try the more difficult it becomes. Can regression help?

The adult always knows what he/she has to do, it’s only the inner child that needs help. The adult doesn’t need the therapy it’s the inner child that needs to be heard and healed. All we do in the session is find that inner child who is still stuck with the past trauma and heal it. When the inner child is healed the adult heals and can now take charge of his/her life.

Can I drive post session? Any post session care?

Yes, you can absolutely drive and do all your daily chores post the session. In fact, after the session you feel so relaxed as if you have had a nice sleep.

Do I need to bring someone along for the session?

The sessions are private sessions where we don’t allow anyone as there are a lot of things that come up in the session which you might not want to share. If you wish you can bring someone along but he will have to wait outside till we finish the session.

Is regression for all age groups?

Well, it’s safe for anyone who can take charge of his thoughts and comprehend it well. We usually suggest the right age is from 14 years.

Is it safe in pregnancy?


Can anyone go in trance? I feel no one can ever hypnotise me?

Like I said, no one can do it without your permission. So, if you feel you can allow your mind to go and explore its own depth surely you can undergo a session. Anyone who can image can go in trance.

I can’t meditate at all. Will I be able to go under trance?

Meditation is to bring in stillness. We don’t want you to bring stillness in fact we help your mind to be hyperaware so it can explore its own subconscious mind.

I don’t believe in reincarnation; can I still do a regression session?

Regression includes healing the past of the current life, the trauma in the mother’s womb or the past life, so not necessary that all things surface from the past life. You can try regression to heal your inner child.

What if I see something horrible in my past life? Will I be able to forgive myself in the present?

The motto of seeing the past life is to heal it and to heal the trauma it is causing in this life. don’t worry you will heal everything that you feel needs healing and it will only be done to help you in the current life.

I feel this therapy won’t work on me but I still want to give it a chance.

I would suggest if you don’t believe you should not try it. Regression work is mind healing so your mind needs to be ready to heal itself. At least open enough to see what can you receive. If you have already affirmed it won’t help you so it won’t. 95 % of the therapy depends on you, we are just the guides.

My husband needs session but he is not ready can I do a session on his behalf?

No one can heal the other person without his/her consent. So, if he doesn’t want to heal how can we help him. Instead I would suggest you can heal that part of you who needs to heal her husband so that you are at peace with what he is. Most of the times when our inner reality shifts our outer environment shifts. Maybe he will also change seeing your changed behaviour.

Can regression sessions be done virtually on video call or voice call? And is it safe to take virtual sessions?

Absolutely Yes. Its completely safe and in current conditions is the preferred method by many. There is no difference in outcome between personal and virtual sessions, it comes down to your own personal choice and comfort.

What if during a virtual session my internet or phone connection gets disrupted?

Not to worry, we resume from the place where the the session was inturrepted due to the connection issues.