Light Language

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Light language is a Multidimensional language that is understood at a soul level. They are codes which have frequency that bypasses the conscious mind reaches directly to the soul. It adjusts to the resonance of each person’s vibrational needs in the moment; initiating clearing, balancing, activation, and alignment with a new vibration of Wellbeing. From a metaphysical point of view, light language allows us to communicate directly with Source without the interference of the programmed human mind while activating light codes to assist with healing and restoration on all levels.

The light codes directly speak to your heart. Your heart understands the vibrations and heals appropriately. Light language speaks directly to your DNA, activating and recoding your personal vibrational signature as your Higher Self activates these codes. It rearranges the vibrational alignment of your DNA to bring in appropriate healing. These codes cannot be translated so its very difficult for conscious mind to comprehend it. Most often, it is not translated as a word-for-word transmission – it is a deeply layered alchemical transmission of information.

Light language sounds like vivid noises to animal clicks, from just humming to spoken dialects and songs, light language has many expressions.
It can also be expressed via facial gestures, hand movements, mudras, or can also be written or drawn in the form of symbols.

The light language codes are channelled language from the source or a dialect form intergalactic beings. Its like communicating with others on soul level. The frequencies of light language bring in intense energies that help with spiritual activation, processing shifts in consciousness, facilitating light body restructuring, and getting information/guidance needed. It connects us to higher realms where we have a better understanding of our “multi-dimensional” experiences.

It is like a spiritual gift that all of us have. It can be activated by many ways including Kundalini awakening, akashic record initiation, initiation by soul remembrance or by inheriting some past life gifts.

For centuries, we humans are taught to think in linear way, with logic mind and intellect. But only if for a brief moment we move past this conditioning can we tap into a realm of pure magic and mysticism. Our logical mind doesn’t allow us to get in touch with higher realms because everything there defies logic. Only if we can enter our sacred heart space can we experience the magic the other dimensions and realms behold. These moments allow us to know that our experiences in those dimensions are more real than our daily lives that greatly ignore the divine aspect of who we are.

My Journey With Light Language

My light language gift got activated in may,2020. I was doing an online workshop on Akashic record initiation. Week 2 class was really interesting because our mentor took us to Hall of Amenti, a place where all our akashic records can be accessed according to Egyptian mythology. They say to enter this hall your heart has to be as light as a feather. So they do a test where they weigh your heart in a weighing machine on one side and a feather on the other.

As I got access to the Hall of Amenti, I was directed to a room whre I was to read my own Akashic records. As I entered the room I could see very weird codes written all over the ceiling and the walls of that room. As soon as I began to read them, they swirled like a cyclone and came down and settled down on my body, and suddenly I was brought back to the present. I asked my mentor and she said don’t try to decode it. It will make sense when things shift for you. Suddenly I started getting interested in light Language, I saw a couple of vides to understand what it is but couln’t make sense. I still trusted the process and in around 5 days I was speaking something weird I didn’t understand. So I contacted a spiritual healer who was also into light language and she told me to send her a recording of my codes. I hesitantly sent it to her. She heard it and immediately she replied oh that was a language of andromedin. I was shocked to see someone could recognise what I was speaking and I wasn’t making up things. Finally I started trusting it and speaking it more often.

I joined a few light language groups and shared my chanelling with like minded people. And finally, I realised how much it help other people heal. Now I think I speak quite a few intergalactic languages and sometimes even channel some higher realm beings directly. Its super fun to see how beautifully it helps people bring shift intheir consciousness. It may or may not be visible initially on the exterior but slowly and gradually it does bring in a noticeable change.

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